Accountability Commitment Program
1920 W. Corporate Way
Anaheim, CA. 92801
(714) 687-6700
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In March of 1996, the Orange County Probation Department began a new alternative confinement program called the Accountability Commitment Program (ACP). There were two primary goals: 1) Provide relief to the overpopulated juvenile institutions; and 2) Provide intensive supervision and re-entry services for minors released from custody.
ACP was established with authorization from the Presiding Judge of the Orange County Juvenile Court. A standing court order allows the release of certain minors from institutional confinement to home confinement to complete their court commitment in a day reporting program. Minors may also be committed directly into ACP by the Court, in lieu of an institutional commitment.
Under the rules of the program, minors can be eligible for release to their homes on electronic confinement if they have 120 days or fewer to serve on a commitment, if their crime did not involve specified offenses, and if they show no evidence of serious risk to the community.
The program is a joint effort of the Probation Department and Orange County Department of Education. Minors are required to participate in the on-site program five days a week from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., and on weekends they are required to join Juvenile Court Work Program (JCWP) work crews.
They receive academic instruction during the morning in classes taught by Department of Education teachers. Deputy Juvenile Correctional Officers supervise afternoon activities aimed at enriching life skills. Among those activities are drug prevention education, gang prevention workshops, job readiness and job placement assistance, and community service projects.
All minors are also assigned to work crews to do weed abatement, graffiti removal, and other projects benefiting local cities and parks throughout Orange County.
Through the Accountability Commitment Program, many teenage offenders have successfully completed their confinement period while learning to make a positive adjustment to probation supervision and a smooth transition back into the community.
In March, 2009 the Global Positioning Satellite (GPS) device was added to the continuous electronic monitoring resources for the minors who are participating in the Accountability Commitment Program. The GPS allows for the minors to be tracked at their exact location, 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Although this is a Pilot Program for Juveniles, Deputy Probation Officers are working hard at evaluating the equipment’s effectiveness in order to provide for the Department’s long-term GPS needs.